الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2011

..Bone Thugs .. Rapper Cops Plea in Alleged Wife Beating..

 ..Bone Thugs .. Rapper Cops Plea in Alleged Wife Beating..
 Bone Thugs-n-Harmony  rapper Flesh-n-Bone won't face any additional jail time after allegedly beating his wife   because TMZ has learned  he struck a sweet deal with prosecutors to secure his freedom

Flesh   real name Stanley Howse   was arrested back in January on suspicion of domestic violence after a fight with his wife allegedly turned violent. He was later charged with inflicting corporal injury on a spouse, threatening her  and false imprisonment

But Howse and his attorney Shepard Kopp struck a deal with prosecutors   in which Howse agreed to plead guilty to false imprisonment in exchange for dropping the first two charges

Howse was sentenced to 3 years probation and time served in jail   in addition to 100 hours of community service. He must also participate in a domestic violence program and donate $400 to a battered women's shelter

Kopp tells TMZ   Flesh has always maintained his innocence of these charges  but it was best for his family and Bone Thugs to put this case behind him
Source  .tmz.com

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